01/01/1970 Brain Dynamics Clinic has been featured in numerous TV shows where Dr. Narinder talks about Homeopathy medicine in Kenya....read more
01/01/1970 Brain Dynamics Clinic have been involved in various charitable activities including food distribution and community education on Health and development....read more



Mrs. Tina, Age -35.

Right ankle veins distended a lot, one of the “varicose veins” started bleeding and there is an open wound on the ankle vein. She was told that the surgery is required because there is no curative treatment for varicose veins. Rt. ankle “eczema” became black colored, feeling itching and scratching until the vein bleeds.

Memory forgetful, quick angers can beat children for small things. Vaginal discharge white, bad smell and very thick. Regular, clotted and heavy menses, bleeds 5-6 days. Feels dizzy and weak during menses. She feels stitching pain in the right sided ovarian region on bending forward. Sad and irritable during menses.

She is worried about wide and dark “stretch marks” on her abdomen. She has dandruff with dry hair. Asthmatic breath on becoming cold, eating or drinking cold things. Sneezing after midnight or on waking, with watery discharge from the nose. She feels itching in the nose with many sneezing. . Molars (teeth) removed because of cavities. Mouth and tongue ulcers during menses. Smelly perspiration from the armpits.

Varicose vein’s bleeding was stopped just in few weeks; her distended veins became normal and the wound was healed. Her stretch marks, eczema and black skin started improving to normal color of the skin. In general, she felt improvement in the whole body.